Daniel L. Rourke
Ph.D. (UCLA)
Dr. Rourke has extensive experience applying advanced statistical and mathematical techniques to the solution of challenging statistical, litigation, compliance, marketing, and media problems. In addition, he has expertise in sample design and the design of large statistical database and analysis systems. Dr. Rourke holds a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles.
His representative engagements involving statistical and quantitative issues in litigation include:
Developed actuarial/epidemiological models forecasting the volume and timing of future claims for cancers and other health problems arising from asbestos exposure for several dozen clients. These projections are an integral part of cash flow models used to determine the rate at which assets are to be liquidated to pay personal injury claims. At issue is the fair and equitable distribution of funds to present and future victims of asbestos-related diseases. The amounts of these funds range from $50 million to $3.5 billion dollars, depending upon the client.
Developed methods and models to estimate the number and timing of historic and future malignancies associated with exposure to petroleum and petroleum byproducts arising from its production and transportation.
Developed statistical models for several clients estimating type, number, and aggregate value of injuries and diseases arising from workplace and environmental exposure to volatile organic compounds (e.g., benzene, toluene, cleaning agents, etc.) and to heavy metals and heavy metal compounds (e.g., lead, uranium, etc.).
Designed, managed, analyzed, and wrote reports for publication of two year–long surveys measuring the 24-hour behavior patterns of children and adults. The results of these surveys are used in conducting exposure and risk assessments to environmental toxins. The results of these surveys were published in two articles in Risk Analysis—the leading peer-review scientific journal in the discipline.
Designed program modules for the analysis of variance, step-wise regression analysis, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and multidimensional scaling used in a large main-frame statistical analysis and data management system.
Email Dr. Rourke at daniel.rourke (at) legalstat.com.