Mark Totten

M.Sc. (UMich)


Mark Totten is a Consultant at LAS. With extensive experience in data management and data analysis, his work centers on using large data sets to solve complex problems.  He has worked with health care claims for 30 years, including on data from private insurers, Medicare, and the Veterans Health Administration.

Common to all of Mr. Totten’s work is an understanding of the strong relationship between modeling and data management. In his five years at LAS, he has focused on asbestos litigation, managing and analyzing data for several large bankruptcies and trusts. In that work, he has configured data for forecasting, analyzed characteristics the predict claims payment and payment amounts, built and validated cash flow models, and systematically captured data collected as part of discovery. More recently, with Cord Thomas, he has been working on Machine Learning algorithms to automate data discovery in historical legal documents.

He has also worked with other administrative data to analyze problems in logistics and staffing.

Email Mr. Totten at mark.totten (at)